Maintaining your septic system is a necessary part of rural life. A failed septic system cannot always be rehabilitated and neglecting to perform regular maintenance of a rural system can cost a homeowner into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Regular maintenance is far less costly than replacement. However, maintenance is becoming an investment these days and all septic companies and, consequently, homeowners are affected.
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has advised the following:
"The RDCK Board of Directors adopted the following resolution at their April 20, 2022 Open regular meeting: -That the Board direct Staff to amend the Regional District of Central Kootenay Septage Disposal Facilities Regulatory Bylaw No. 1751, 2005 to increase septage fees in Service S190, Service S187 and Service S186 to $70/tonne. -AND FURTHER, that additional revenues created through higher user fees be placed into reserves earmarked for the respective area septage services at year end."
"This recent increase is the second since 2020, and there are two additional price increases of $20/tonne, scheduled to occur at two year intervals i.e., $90/tonne in 2025 and $110/tonne in 2027."
As a result, effective June 1st, 2023, all septic companies in the West Kootenay are forced to adjust their rates to cover the ever increasing operating costs.
See RDCK Bylaw No.1751 - April 2005 through April 2023 combined: